Put away those fancy business cards. ShootProof has something better! This simple, FREE photography marketing tool can turn your customers into brand ambassadors. (Family photos & quotes contributed by: KIRSTEN LEE PHOTOGRAPHY)
If you’ve ever given a client a stack of business cards to share with their friends, you already understand the value of word-of-mouth photography marketing. You know that the best photography marketing is a personal referral; that people love learning who and what their friends love; and that the best clients arrive already trusting you to make great images, because their friends have assured them: you’re the best.
But what if you could do better than a pile of printed cardstock? What if you could give your clients their very own tiny portfolio – a simple, convenient way to showcase your work to the world?
With ShootProof Mobile Apps, you can.

YOUR Photos On THEIR Phone
ShootProof’s Mobile Apps are easy-to-make, FREE mini-galleries that live right on a client’s smartphone or tablet. Made solely for the purpose of mobile viewing, each Mobile App is an on-the-go portfolio in your client’s pocket.
No special links or passwords are necessary. Your client simply saves the Mobile App to their device, then voila! They can view their images any time, from anywhere, with the tap of a finger.
“I use Mobile Apps as a “thank you” to my clients after I’ve delivered their gallery. Mobile Apps are such a great ShootProof feature! Who doesn’t want to show off their pictures from their phone?!” – Kirsten Lee

Photography Marketing In the Digital Age
ShootProof Mobile Apps operate one a simple premise: that all your clients own a smartphone. So your photography marketing should be viewable and sharable on a smartphone.
Business cards get lost and tossed.
Brochures get tucked away in folders and crumpled up in the bottoms of bags.
Websites are wonderful – but those are other people’s images.
ShootProof Mobile Apps are all about your client: their photos, their families, their experiences, their life.
Gabby & Kayla are looking at Kirsten’s gorgeous Mobile App! Doggo is looking at a bag of Chick-Fil-A chicken minis.
The Best Photography Marketing Strokes THEIR Ego
It’s great to show prospective clients galleries of other sessions and other people. But to get your clients to spread the word, you must make it easy for them to show off their own session.
Gabby, Roy, Kayla, and Chris LOVE Kirsten’s Senior Session Guide! Pupper just wants to give Chris’ hand a bath.
Mobile Apps are a brilliant photography marketing tool, because they put your client’s own images right in the palm of their hand at all times, easy to show off in-person or share on social media.
“The majority of my clients find me through social media and referrals. I’m active on most social media platforms, and it helps grow my following when my clients share the photos I’ve taken of them!” – Kirsten Lee

The PERFECT Mobile Magazine Publisher – & It’s FREE!
Photographer Kirsten Lee got the wild idea to customize one very special Mobile App to share with all her high school senior clients.
Instead of a Mobile App full of client photos, Kirsten added the pages of her Senior Session Guide to a Mobile App. Now she has a quickly-accessible iPad “magazine” to share during her consultations, and an easy-to-share digital brochure her clients can take home with them!
“I created a Senior Session Guide to assist my younger clients with creating their unique senior photo experience. This is where ShootProof Mobile Apps come in handy! First, I downloaded my Senior Session Guide into a ShootProof Mobile App, then I saved that Mobile App to my iPad to share during meetings. But the best part is sending the Mobile App directly to my clients so they can take the Senior Session Guide home with them! It’s turned out to be a creative and inexpensive way to WOW my clients. My seniors love having their Senior Session Guide handy on their phone!” – Kirsten Lee

“But … how do you design a magazine?!”
Kirsten created her Senior Session Guide with a Photoshop template she purchased through her Squijoo Design membership. But there are many solutions for crafting a custom photography marketing magazine layout!
We also love:
Bittersweet Design Boutique
Magazine Mama
Creative Market
“I saved my page designs as JPGs, then loaded them right into a ShootProof Mobile App – just like you would a client’s photos!” – Kirsten Lee
Roy and Chris admire Kirsten’s Mobile Apps handiwork, while Gabby-pup models her golden neck-bow.
Get even more creative with custom magazine covers! You don’t have to know InDesign or Photoshop, either. Check out Spark and Canva for fun, print-resolution designing.
CLICK HERE to try a sample Mobile App on your own phone!
This presh pupperino is more interested in treats than Mobile Apps. It’s cool, Gabs. We understand.
“Will Mobile Apps help me get this cute dog?”
No. This dog lives with our Community Builder, Kayla, and they are inseparable. But the Cute Dog Feeling you got when you saw this photo? Your clients can have that feeling, too!
“I strive to create a great experience for my clients. I provide quality images for them, but I also want them to walk away thinking, ‘Wow! That was so much fun!’ A wonderful customer experience is a combination of beautiful images and great customer service. ShootProof Mobile Apps help me create that experience!” – Kirsten Lee

Diverse Photography Marketing for Diverse Clients
Have you ever noticed that certain clients engage with you only on Instagram, while others are dedicated Facebookers? Or how some clients email religiously, while others will only respond to a phone call?
ShootProof Mobile Apps are an excellent compliment to you existing photography marketing efforts: your website, printed brochures, social media posts – and yes, even your business cards!
How will you use ShootProof Mobile Apps? Tell us in the comments below!